I LOVE to organize! It is a great feeling knowing your home is organized, I find it fun and rewarding! But I also know that starting out can be really tough, so today's blog has some tips to help you get your home organized, so you will feel better! I get a kick out of getting rid of things, whether I sell the item, throw it out or give it away, I love getting things i no longer need out of my house!! And hopefully after you have attacked your home with organization you will feel the same way. The same way a hoarder gets a high from keeping an item is how i feel when I part with an item! LOL! I follow a very simple system that anyone can follow, when something needs to be organized I look at the project and decide, do I, Love it? keep it, do I, need it? then keep it, if not TOSS IT! Oh the joy you will get from parting with this stuff is wonderful! So when you attack your project, let's say a closet, get out some bins and name them, LOVE IT, NEED IT, TOSS IT, DONATE IT, SELL IT. Everything in your home fits in one of these categories, like it or not lol! You can do this! And once you do, you will have made room for new shiny things LOL! But seriously you won't believe the space you have, you don't need a new house, you need organization! Now there can be some cost associated with organization, but you don't have to break the bank, you will need, bins...tons of them.. in every shape and size, I go to Dollarama for all my bins but the big ones, they are from Wal-Mart and if you wait for a sale it won't hurt your wallet too much, (Boxing Day is a great day to shop for bins!) and then a label maker, there are tons of different kinds you can get, mine is from Wal-Mart and I think it was 30$ or 40$ and it paid for itself instantly cause i love it so much!! On the other hand you can do this organization for next to nothing! Go to your local grocery store or liquor mart and grab some cardboard boxes and wrap them in wrapping paper or material, this way you can customize them to your needs. Like bins for your little boys room could have "Cars" wrapping paper or material, just use spray glue to apply the material and you have a no sew beautiful bin! As far as the label maker goes, well if you have a printer you can buy labels and print them off that way or good old masking tape and a Sharpie will work just as well! The idea is to get organized, and once you are you will never want to go back! Here are some pictures of my home, to give you an idea of the different types of bins you may want to buy and different ways to organize your items,

These are some of my bathroom bins, there are more behind, but to give you an idea I will tell you what I have in each bin, Shampoo, Conditioner and Bodywash another for shaving creams and lotion and another for hand soaps and hand sanitation bottles, this helps me when i am out shopping to remember which bins are running low and need re filling, behind these are bins we don't need all the time, Cotton balls q-tips toothpaste etc.

- this section is to store winter wear in the off season and stores the extra stuff we have during the winter season!
- then we have the four white bins, which are labeled Joe, Faye and Kenzie x2, this is wear we store the stuff we use everyday to go outside, hats, shades, scarves, mitts, that kind of stuff, it makes getting ready so easy, grab your bins and get ready, when you get home put all the stuff you took off back in your bin! It works for us!
- then we have our medicine, in sealed containers so the humidity doesn't affect them, we have Joe's medicine, cause always has something going on with him lol! Then everyday meds like advil etc, then we have a summer box, calamine lotion, allergy spray, sun screen, bug spray etc and finally my sick box, which i love, when someone is sick this is everything they need to feel better, it has happen to me so much that i was sick and I couldn't find my halls, or travel kleenex, even though i knew i had them in the house somewhere, well now they all have a home. When you are sick this box is all you need! It's awesome!

- Here we have Kenzie and I's shelf in the bathroom, we are each given one space in the bathroom, if it starts to over flow, it is time to LOVE IT, NEED IT, TOSS IT! So this is where all my junk goes and Kenzie's, it makes it very clear to see whether she needs more shampoo etc.
- Here are the labels on the bathroom drawers to help your helpful husband remember what goes where. And Joe has a drawer for his junk lol!

This is of course the kitchen, I have a bunch of these and they are great, you can never have to many of them and as you can see they have a bunch of uses, this is what I chose to use them for.
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This is Kenzie new toy organizer, we bought the bins at dollarama and saved a ton of money, then i took pics of all her toys and organized them in groups, babies, blocks, barbies, etc She follows it perfectly at age 3, I was really impressed!
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-This one is in my closet, my top shelves used to look awful, I would open my closet and hope nothing fell on my head! lol! So now everything is safely tucked away in bins and it looks so much neater!
More Kitchen bins, these ones are on Kenzies shelf, the candy bin is a new one, but i find it so helpful since we don't let K have much candy, yet, between birthday parties and parades and Halloween there is always some kicking around, this is a great place to hide all that and just pull it out when she gets a treat! |
This is my newest organization project and I am so in Love! It seemed no matter how I organized this Linen Closet, it never worked, all the neatly folded piles somehow ended up picked through and looking terrible, now they each have their own bin and it looks great! |
More Kitchen bins! These also help so that when I am out shopping I can buy the item in a bag instead of a box and save the earth a little! |
And my Blue bins, anyone who has ever had a tour of my home knows I have an entire room filled with these bins, My Storage Room! There are probably 20 of them, though i have never counted, they hold items like, Christmas decorations, Valentines dec, St Patricks day dec, Easter dec, you get the idea lol! Gift bags and extra cards and ribbons, Things to give away, Clothes for Kenzie to grow into, electronics, stuff to sell. Etc, these are so handy!! We don't have a basement so we use this room as a storage room and it works great! |
This is some of it, there are more, but you get the idea! When ever a container gets too full that means it is time to go through it and clean it out, LOVE IT, NEED IT, TOSS IT! Follow these rules, I know sometimes it can be hard, but some of these things are just things and they need to go! You can do this! Trust me it feels great knowing where everything is, it saves you from buying things you already have but forgot you had. And yes it does happen that I have thrown away or given away something it turns out i did need, but in all my years of getting rid of unwanted things i have only had to buy back one or two things and that is well worth the space in my home that I got from parting with all this stuff! You can do this, so GO! Get started and then post pictures for my to see, cause the only thing a organized person loves more than organizing her/his home is seeing someone else's organized pictures!! I hope this helps some of you to get organized!!! Go on now, get started!!
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