Monday 14 January 2013

Too many toys!

It's that time of year again, your house is overloaded with toys! Toys from Christmas, toys from birthdays, toys, toys, toys! Toys are great they keep our kids entertained while we whip up meals etc. Toys are educational and a lot of fun, but after Christmas we say, enough is enough, every year in January, we look through all of Kenzie's toys, some she has out grown, some i am tired of listening too, LOL! Some would just get better used in new hands! Usually every year we find a person or a day care to donate them too, so not only are you decluttering your house you are bringing joy to another child/family and that is the most important thing, sometimes we forget how blessed we are to have an abundance of toys and others have so little! So pass it on, and yes i realize some of these have been gifts, but as a gift giver yourself wouldn't you rather see the toy in the hands of a child who will play with it? Of course, so pass it on! We have a certain sized box for toys and once that gets overloaded it is time to empty it out, no kid needs this many toys, especially since they only play with a few of them regularly anyway! Get rid of it, you will feel so much better, make it your January goal, clean out the kiddo's toys and pass them on, the warm fuzzy feeling is all worth it! We just accomplished this goal this week, it doesn't take that long and if you keep up with the January tradition it is for the most part under control, my biggest tip is to do this while the kids are asleep, if they see you giving away their toys they might want to keep them and if you are determined you might just let them, on the other hand it is very important to teach your children that they are parting with toys so the toys could go to someone who truly needs them. So here is what we do, once the toys to give away have been chosen away from her prying eyes lol, we put it all it a black bag or box so she cannot see the contents and explain to her that these are her old toys off to find a new home, if she doesn't see them, she won't miss them, you might chose to do this once the toys are already out of the house. There are many great places you can donate toys, a neighbor, a friend, a daycare, a shelter, the list goes on, make sure all toys are gently used and in good working condition. If it is garbage, through it out :) So there you go, you have a better organized toy box, you have donated to a kid in need, so sit down with a hot chocolate/coffee/tea in front of the fire and give yourself a big ol pat on the back, number one Mom right there!

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